Why Choose Us?
You always have a choice in healthcare providers!
At Charton Physical Therapy, we understand that no one really WANTS physical therapy. We also understand that when you are hurting, you just want someone to LISTEN and to HELP!
Our goal is to provide a place of care and healing where you will look forward to your sessions, move better, and learn what you can do to take control of your pain.
At Charton Physical Therapy, we do not abide in the "No Pain No Gain" principle. We will encourage you to work hard and teach you how to push yourself. While some exercises or treatments may be difficult or uncomfortable, we have found that treatments are more successful and beneficial when your body is not fighting them.
About Us
Charton Physical Therapy is a therapist-owned outpatient physical therapy clinic in Morrilton, AR. We specialize in orthopedic injuries and post-surgical rehab, but also treat a wide variety of other conditions as well. We specialize in the treatment of orthopedic injuries and disorders - anything that involves bone, joint, and muscles.
We excel in post-surgical care, including rotator cuff repairs; knee, hip, or shoulder replacements; ACL or meniscus repairs; and many more. You had the surgery - let us help you heal and get you safely returned to the activities you love!
We also treat a wide variety of other conditions as well including general debility/balance disorders and neurological disorders such as post-stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
If you have pain or difficulty moving a body part: neck, back, shoulder, knees, back, hip, elbow, wrist, foot.... try physical therapy!
We strive:
To provide excellent physical therapy and other wellness services and products to help you return to the activities of daily living as well as the activities that you enjoy, whether they be gardening, golfing, or gymnastics.
To provide competent and compassionate care in a professional environment, making you feel as though part of our family.
To care for you in a manner which conveys our values, love, and respect for you as an individual.

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Just contact our office at 501-477-2202 and we can assist you!
Our highly trained staff holds several certifications and provide several cutting edge services
beyond “traditional” physical therapy.
BLood flow restriction
BFR training with light weights for 4-6 weeks can have the same muscle building effects as training with heavy weights for 3-4 months!
Dry Needling
Tweety has a headache. His friend has shoulder pain. Both can be treated with dry needling as an adjunct to therapy. Physical Therapists use Dry Needling to address musculoskeletal issues with acupuncture needles. Dry needling helps to decrease muscle spasm, stimulate a healing response, and promote the release of endogenous endorphins to improve pain.
LSVT BIG (Parkinson’s Rehab)
LSVT BIG teaches specific movement patterns to patients with Parkinson’s to help restore and maintain functional movements.
Sports Rehab
Our staff is full of former athletes who love working with athletes of all sports and ages! Charton PT is contracted with the South Conway County School District to provide coverage to their athletics programs both during practice and games. With access to the gym next door at Boundless Movement Academy and cutting edge technology including Blood Flow Restriction training your athlete is in good hands at Charton PT. We will return them to play as quickly and SAFELY as possible
Educational Resources
YOU are more than just a diagnosis, and Physical Therapy is more than just learning exercises! Our highly trained staff can help you understand WHY you hurt and what you can do to help your body recover!

Why take our word for it?
Meet a few of our graduates!
These are REAL people in YOUR community who had their lives improved by therapy.
Meet Lynn
total knee replacement
"I am sad to leave therapy, this is actually fun!"
Ms. Lynn came to therapy after having a right total knee replacement. She had difficulty with her knee for a long time and even had a meniscus repair surgery 10 years prior. She experienced chronic knee pain with the inability to stand for long periods of time and inability to squat. Her personal goals and therapist's goals were the typical desired goals: to reduce pain with daily activities, walk without an assisted device, gain full range of motion, improve strength of her hip and knee and improve balance for long term safety.
Prior to starting outpatient therapy, she had unclear expectations on what she would be doing in therapy and whether it would hurt. She also experienced some confusion on when she should start therapy. Once starting therapy, she was highly self-motivated and she worked hard at home with her exercises as well as in the clinic during her therapy sessions. She repeatedly stated, "I'm so happy with my progress" and "this is nothing like what I expected."
Ms. Lynn went above and beyond and met all her goals and returned to her busy life and work again. She was a joy to work with in therapy and a role model to many others.
Physical therapy often has a reputation of being hard with the old school motto "no pain, no gain" but we, at Charton Physical Therapy, disagree with this philosophy and can show you the BEST way to reach your goals and GET MOVING AGAIN.
If you are considering having joint replacement surgery, stop by the clinic and we can answer any therapy questions you may have and give you a tour of our facility. Our experienced team would love for you to be the next patient success story!
general deconditioning due to cancer treatments
This is why we do what we do! Not everybody has a quick and easy therapy process. There are those cases that take longer than expected but end up being some of the most rewarding.
After battling a tumor with chemo and radiation, he started therapy weak and frail. At Dr. Adams’ first therapy visit, he was unable to stand independently and needed assistance to walk 15 feet with a walker. By the end of therapy he was walking laps around the clinic unassisted!
He never acted defeated and came to every therapy session with the attitude of always wanting to do more. He took control of his situation and put in the hard work required to become independent with walking, driving and all of his daily activities.
His goals were to stand, perform pivot transfers and walk without a walker. Through the personalized rehab program designed by his therapists with gait training, strength training, balance training, high intensity circuit based exercises and postural exercises, he MET ALL OF HIS GOALS!
It was an honor of all the therapists to work alongside this gentleman and assist him to getting back to his life. We anticipate continual gains with his hard working attitude and determination and wish him the best!
Charton PT specializes in orthopedic care but will provide each patient the best care through evidence based research and our numerous years of experience.
Meet Sonny
rotator cuff repair
“I was back to work feeling great in record time!”
Sonny began therapy after having right rotator cuff repair. Before having shoulder surgery, he could not use his right arm to lift light items, could not reach overhead, could not coach a youth baseball team and most importantly was not confident with performance of all his job specific duties as police chief.
Sonny was diligent with his attendance to therapy and performance of home exercise program independently. His personal and rehab goals included: being able to throw a baseball for coaching, pass his shooting qualification exam for job duties and be able to use his right arm again for all day to day tasks without pain or difficulty.
With a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activity, postural exercises and blood flow restriction therapy, he was able to achieve his goals quickly. His positive attitude, work ethic and perseverance made his therapy journey a breeze!
Meet Tammy
traumatic neck and back pain
“This was the best thing I could've ever done!”
Tammy attended therapy after being thrown over 15 feet from a spooked horse, flipping over and landing hard on her neck and back. Trying to initially “tough it out” she did not get checked out by her physician until a few days later. After having imaging performed (to rule out any fractures or serious injury) and prescribed pharmaceuticals, which she denied, she sought out physical therapy. She was extremely limited with her range of motion with inability to look over her left side as well as limited with her strength. She was unable to sleep longer than 40 minutes at a time and couldn't perform her daily tasks on the farm as well as her daily job as a hair dresser. She was struggling with being able to lift her arms overhead, something required for her job! She also experienced occasional headaches. Some of her regular home/farm tasks involved lifting 55 lb feed sacks for her horses and hounds.
Her personal and rehab goals included: decrease her resting and working pain, improve neck range of motion, reduce tenderness to palpation, be able to sleep greater than 6 hours and improve upper extremity strength for work and farm tasks. With a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activity, postural exercises, modalities and dry needling, she was able to achieve all her goals. Although she had 15 sessions, she experienced immediate improvement after just the 1st session. She states, “I felt everything release and had euphoria with therapy interventions.”
How can physical therapy help you GET BACK TO LIFE again?!
Meet Emily
elbow fracture and dislocation
Miss Emily came to therapy after sustaining a left elbow fracture and dislocation in August. She was an active athlete that was eager to return to competitive gymnastics. She received initial medical care in Conway and when she was cleared to begin therapy she chose Charton Physical Therapy in Morrilton!
After being immobile for approximately 1 month, she came to therapy with inability to straighten her left arm all the way out, inability to bend elbow completely for use with day to day tasks and moderate weakness with inability to put weight on her arm. Her personal goals and therapist's goals were the typical desired goals: to reduce pain with daily activities, reduce swelling, regain full range of motion (ROM) and achieve maximum strength for successful return to sports. Her coaches' goals were to be able to tolerate impact through her upper body for tumbling and vaulting and to be able to perform the hanging/distraction force necessary to swing on the uneven bars.
After approximately 1.5 months of outpatient physical therapy consisting of manual therapy, therapeutic activity, and strength training with implementation of blood flow restriction (BFR), she graduated to ease back into gymnastics with almost all goals met! She didn't stop there though. Just 5 months after her injury, she competed and was recognized as bar champion at her first gymnastics competition of the season. She is a true athlete that has the heart of a champion as well. Congrats Emily and we look forward to watching you continue to shine as an athlete!
Meet Judy
Low Back Pain
"You performed a miracle!"
Ms. Judy attended physical therapy with complaints of low back pain in which she had previously tried various pain medications, steroids and injections in her back and hip. Prior to starting therapy (for about 2 weeks), she was unable to perform her activities of daily living (ADLs) and was constantly laying on a heating pad.
She had goals to be able to clean her house and work in her yard. She received multiple therapeutic interventions (massage, stretching, core and lower extremity strengthening as well as therapeutic activity on proper lifting and performance of ADLs).
She reports "you guys performed a miracle!" She is back to working in the yard, walking with her sister and even moved a mattress and box springs recently without causing any low back pain." Ms. Judy's therapy stands out because she was highly motivated and willing to try anything asked of her.
Meet Kat
chronic Headaches and neck pain
“I just feel very blessed and thankful. I feel like I have my life back!”
Kat has suffered from chronic headaches and neck pain, worse over the past 6 months. She had an MRI and was treated with medications and had to frequently “pop” her neck to get relief. She had to request physical therapy as it wasn't offered as a standard option.
At her first session, she told us “I've had a headache every day to every other day for years. It starts in the back of my head. I can't do light. I have trouble sleeping.... It's so debilitating!” She used to be very active, but was now having trouble keeping up with her 11 year-old triplets and 8 year-old.
Kat attended 15 sessions of physical therapy over the course of 5 weeks, which included neck range of motion exercises, stabilization exercises, postural correction, manual therapy, cold packs, and electrical stimulation. She no longer pops her neck for relief and has normal neck range of motion, improved muscle tone (fewer “knots” and less tenderness), decreased pain intensity and frequency, and improved function. She reports that “I now know what to do to help myself and will keep up with these exercises.”
Meet Justin
Low back pain
"I can now walk, drive and do my daily activities. I can do pretty much everything!"
Justin began therapy after having a back injury from lifting a stove. He had previous episodes of low back pain from an injury when he was younger but he stated this time it was worse. He had extreme difficulty with standing upright, sitting or performing transitions. He was unable to perform job duties or lift anything without pain.
After the initial evaluation, goals were established to improve his range of motion, low back strength and education on proper lifting and progress to perform work related tasks. His therapy sessions consisted of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and modalities to decrease his initial pain. Justin's therapy stood out from others because of the big transformation from day 1 to graduation day! On Day 1 he was not able to stand up straight or walk without severe pain. At graduation he was able to lift heavy loads without difficulty and perform planks.
Charton Physical Therapy specializes in the treatment of orthopaedic injuries. Whether you currently have back pain that limits you from "living your life" or have a history of back pain and are in fear of your next "episode", we can help!
rotator cuff repair
“The surgeon was impressed and pleased with my progress!”
Shoulder surgery is not deemed a small event and rotator cuff repair is no different. Craig attended therapy 2 days following right rotator cuff repair with the expected post-surgical pain, weakness and immobility. He had been suffering from shoulder pain for years and eventually got an MRI revealing the tear when he couldn't raise his arm overhead anymore. After consultation with his surgeon, they proceeded with surgery and physical therapy rehabilitation. His personal and rehab goals included: being able to perform showering on his own, being able to sleep in the bed vs. recliner, reaching overhead and having the strength to perform all job tasks. He stated “I need to be able to carry a 50 lb sack of feed on my shoulder, build fences and drive metal fence posts.”
With a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activity, postural exercises, kinesiotaping and blood flow restriction therapy, he was able to achieve his goals. Charton PT was able to work with his busy schedule and reduce frequency of visits based on exceptional progress and therefore he only attended 16 sessions instead of the national norm (based on functional outcome reporting) of 26 visits.
Don't let fear of the unknown determine your future! We will do our best to answer your questions regarding rehab treatment plans following surgery (if needed). Our experienced and professional staff of Charton PT make it our mission to keep you informed of your progress and get you to reaching YOUR goals.
total knee replacements
We consider it an honor to have returning clients for post-operative care. Ms. Donna chose us again for her rehabilitation after her second knee replacement when she excelled with her first knee replacement.
Ms. Donna started her journey with Charton Physical Therapy and her knee pain earlier this year. She had very little motion, difficulty with basic mobility, increased pain and could not exercise as desired. She decided to have her knee replaced and scheduled her first one in June of this year. After only attending therapy for 1 month, she was ready to graduate and continue her therapy independently. She did exceptionally well and worked hard in the clinic and at home.
When she was ready for her second knee replacement only 3 months later, she was prepared and hit the ground running. She only required 11 therapy sessions (national norms expected 19 sessions) and made tremendous gains over the course of 1 month. She achieved her personal and therapeutic goals with the interventions of therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activity, gait training, balance training and modalities as needed. We are so proud of her and the encouraging attitude that she brought to the clinic each visit. We know it takes a team to have successful outcomes; from the surgeon/nursing staff, hospital therapists, home health therapists, outpatient facilities, family/friends and of course the patient and we are honored that Ms. Donna is on our team!
Patient Quote: “Oh my gosh, where do I start! I've been here twice for my knees, once for my shoulder and will be back after rotator cuff repair next year. I love them all!”
Charton PT specializes in orthopedic care and yet we continue to treat each patient as though they are our only patient and it's their first surgery.
Our Team
With over 55 years total of professional clinical experience among our licensed staff, we can help you achieve your goals too! Our licensed team includes 6 Doctors of Physical Therapy (PT, DPT). We are dedicated to our client care, and our education proves it! Additional training and certifications include a nationally recognized board certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) and a certified Sports Emergency Medical Responder, Dry Needling (Cert. DN), Blood Flow Restriction Training, Cupping, Instrument Assisted Manual Therapy, and LSVT BIG.
Dr. Marie Charton,
PT, Cert. DN
Dr. Sharon Duvall, PT
Tabitha Gifford
Lead Therapy Tech
Cassidy McKnight
Therapy Tech
Dr. Mieke Corbitt,
PT, OCS, Cert. DN
PRN staff
Dr. Jake Wallis,
PT, Cert. DN
Brandy Norris
Office Manager
Jazz DuVall
Therapy Tech
Sara Cotner
PRN Staff, Therapy Tech
Dr. Haley Mourot,
PT, Cert. DN
PRN staff
Dr. Carrie Herrmann, PT
Hannah Coffman
Client Services Assistant
Emma Gannaway
Therapy Tech

Did you know? Most insurances do not require a physician’s referral for Physical Therapy services. If you’re not sure about your insurance, give us a call at 501-477-2202!
Willing to let us use your picture/video and story to help us spread the word? THANK YOU!
Roads getting slick? If you don’t feel safe coming, just call to let us know! We try to keep the clinic open if we can, but if you think there’s a chance we might not be here, just call to confirm before you come!
Contact Us
100 Walmart Drive, Ste 5
Morrilton, AR 72110
Phone: 501-477-2202
Fax: 501-421-0543
info @ chartonphysicaltherapy.com
Want more information or want to schedule an appointment? Give us a call or fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch!
Monday 7 am - 6 pm, (closed 12- 1 pm for lunch)
Tuesday 7 am - 6 pm, (closed 12- 1 pm for lunch)
Wednesday 7 am - 6 pm, (closed 12- 1 pm for lunch)
Thursday 7 am - 6 pm, (closed 12- 1:30 pm for lunch)
Friday 7 am - 5 pm, (closed 12- 1 pm for lunch)